Lichtenburg Abortion Pills -Women's Abortion Clinic

Abortion Pills in Al Baraha | Abortion Clinic Al Baraha | Women’s Clinic Al Baraha | Abortion Pills for sale in Al Baraha


About medical abortion: The Abortion Pills Al Baraha

The Abortion Pills Al Baraha involves taking two medicines, mifepristone and misoprostol.

The first medicine, mifepristone, ends the pregnancy. It works by blocking the hormone progesterone. Without progesterone, the lining of the uterus breaks down and the pregnancy cannot continue.

The second medicine, misoprostol, makes the womb contract causing cramping, bleeding and loss of the pregnancy similar to a miscarriage.

Abortion Pills Al Baraha, If at any point you decide to continue the pregnancy after taking the medications, it is important to know that there could be risks to the developing fetus. Order Abortion Pills Corniche Deira available for everyone. Misoprostol can cause birth defects and both mifepristone and misoprostol can cause miscarriage.

How to take mifepristone and misoprostol

The timing when you administer your medication is important. If your pregnancy is of 10 weeks gestation you will need to come into the clinic to take your medications.

Step 1 – Mifepristone

Swallow the mifepristone tablet with water.

You may have nausea or vomiting after swallowing the mifepristone. If you do vomit, you should still use the misoprostol as outlined below.

Please telephone if you have any concerns or if you vomit within 30 minutes of swallowing the mifepristone.

Most women do not have bleeding or pain until they take the second medication (misoprostol). Bleeding can occur after taking mifepristone but it is usually light.

If bleeding does happen, you should still use the misoprostol and may wish to consider placing it between your cheek and gum. Contact us if you have any concerns.


Step 2 and 3 – Misoprostol (to be taken 1-2 days after the mifepristone in Step 1)

Misoprostol tablets are placed in the vagina or between the cheek and gum. Abortion Pills Al Baraha, See below for more detail.

Misoprostol (the second medication) causes strong, painful cramps and heavy bleeding.


Step 2 – misoprostol

You have 6 tablets of misoprostol in total. Use 4 tablets placed either in your vagina or between your cheek and gum. Keep the other 2 tablets safe for step 3.


Into the vagina

Insert 4 tablets as high as possible in the vagina; the exact location is not important only that they do not fall out. You can do this while lying down, squatting or standing with one leg up – whatever is most comfortable for you.



Into the mouth between cheek and gum

Place 4 misoprostol tablets into the mouth between the upper cheek and gum and allow the tablets to dissolve for 30 minutes. If the tablets have not completely dissolved within 30 minutes, you may swallow what is left with water.


Some clients describe the taste of misoprostol/ Abortion Pills Al Baraha as unpleasant and the texture as chalky. Placing the tablets between the cheek and gum is associated with higher rates of nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea.


Step 3 – additional misoprostol if needed

If 4 hours have passed and vaginal bleeding has not started or is minimal (meaning only spotting or smearing – only seeing blood on a tissue when wiping with a tissue), use the additional 2 misoprostol tablets either inside the vagina or between the cheek and gums. Please note the foil on the reverse of these tablets is marked with a warning that says ‘Do not use in pregnancy’. This is because misoprostol can cause miscarriage which is why it is used in abortion care.


Passing the pregnancy

The Abortion Pills Al Baraha cause bleeding and pain that can last several hours or more. Pain usually begins 1-2 hours after misoprostol tablets, sometimes sooner.

Bleeding usually starts within 2 to 4 hours after using the misoprostol tablets. Please refer to the ‘Bleeding’ section below for more information about bleeding.

For some people, pain and bleeding can start more quickly but for others it can take longer. Pain and bleeding are often greatest when the pregnancy is being expelled. Most women pass the pregnancy within 4 hours of using the misoprostol however timings vary; and almost all women pass the pregnancy in the first 24 hours.

Pain control

Some women feel intense pain, while others have mild pain. Women describe the pain they experience in different ways.


There are many ways to lessen the pain:

Wear comfortable clothes

Stay in a familiar and relaxing place

Apply a heating pad or hot water bottle to your lower stomach

Use pain medicine like ibuprofen (ibuprofen is the best option but if you cannot take it, you can use paracetamol instead)


How to get pain medicine

You can buy ibuprofen tablets in 200mg or 400mg strengths or paracetamol tablets in 500mg strengths from supermarkets and pharmacies. If you have requested it and are suitable, your pack will also contain codeine in 15mg strength. Codeine is not suitable for anyone under 12 years of age.


How to use these medicines – Abortion Pills Al Baraha

Ibuprofen is for mild to moderate pain. Codeine is for moderate to severe pain. Paracetamol can be used for mild to moderate pain by those who cannot take ibuprofen.

Either before or as soon as you start to feel pain take 600mg to 800mg of ibuprofen. If you cannot take ibuprofen then take 1000mg of paracetamol.

If you still feel pain take codeine (up to 60mg).

Call for advice, if your pain is not well controlled after having taken the maximum recommended dosage (see below) of ibuprofen (or paracetamol) and codeine.


What dose you should take and how often you can take it

Ibuprofen 200mg: You can take 3 tablets (600mg) by mouth every 6 hours or 4 tablets (800mg) by mouth every 8 hours as needed. Do not take more than 12 tablets in 24 hours. If taking 400mg tablets, do not take more than 6 tablets in 24 hours.

Paracetamol 500mg: You can take up to 2 tablets (1000mg) by mouth every 4 to 6 hours as needed. Do not take more than 8 tablets in 24 hours.

Codeine 15mg: Take 2 or 4 tablets (30-60mg) by mouth every 4 hours as needed. If you are aged between 12 and 18 years, take 2 or 4 tablets by mouth every 6 hours as needed. Do not take more than 16 tablets in 24 hours.

Side effects of codeine include:

Constipation, nausea or vomiting


Confusion and dizziness

Vertigo and headaches

Dry mouth

Feeling itchy

Blurry vision

Please note: Do not drive or operate machinery whilst taking codeine.




Use sanitary towels (maternity pads or thick overnight pads) to monitor your bleeding during abortion pill treatment. The amount and type of bleeding can vary for each person and each abortion. Bleeding is usually moderate to heavy but for some women it can be light.

24 hours after taking the misoprostol, you do not bleed at all, have spotting / only see blood on a tissue when wiping.

You experience flooding or heavy bleeding soaking 2 maternity pads or thick overnight pads for 2 hours in a row.

Call for help if you experience very heavy bleeding and feel unwell about the Abortion Pills Al Baraha.

Prolonged moderate to heavy bleeding can lead to significant blood loss and anaemia so please get in touch if this occurs.

Not everyone will pass blood clots during a medical abortion, but for those who do, the clots should be no larger than a lemon. You may see other tissue when you pass the pregnancy. This is larger and more recognizable at higher gestations, but in most cases the fetus cannot be seen without magnification.

Once the pregnancy passes, the amount of bleeding and pain should noticeably reduce. It is likely you will feel cramping on and off for a week or so but this should be easily managed with ibuprofen or paracetamol.

Most women have light bleeding for about 2 weeks, but you may have spotting up to your next period. Sometimes you may have a short episode of pain with a gush of blood or a clot several weeks after the abortion – contact us if this continues.

Abortion Pills Al Baraha: Frequently Asked Questions

You might have lots of questions which we are happy to answer when you call or visit the clinic. We answer some of the things people ask and give links for more information below:

Can I have sex during the treatment?

You can have sex as soon as you feel sufficiently recovered from the abortion. You can get pregnant almost immediately after treatment, so it is important to use contraception if you do not want to get pregnant.

Can I have a bath?

You can take a bath or shower as normal.

Will I be able to work?

Most women are fit and well enough to return to normal activities within a day or two. Rest until you feel ready to return to your normal routine.

How do I get the Abortion Pills Al Baraha?

You will need to have a consultation to ensure abortion treatment at home is legal, suitable and safe for you. We will explain the risks and complications of the treatment and ask for your consent. Abortion Pills Al Baraha, Most women are eligible for treatment at home and receive their treatment by post within a day.

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